 | Seminars & WorkShops |
Conducted a Three -Day International conference on “ Trend Setting Innovations in Chemical Sciences and Technology- Nature Inspired Chemistry & Engineering” TSCST NICE 2016 on 4th -6th October 2016.
One Day National Training Program on "Green Synthesis and Practical Rheology" on July 19th 2016 at Centre for Chemical Sciences and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad.
Conducted a Three -Day International conference on “ Trend Setting Innovations in Chemical Sciences And Technology,” TSCST-API 2015 held from 16-18 December 2015.
Two-Day National workshop on "Technological Advances in Chemical Sciences (TACS-2015)" organized on 14th and 15th September 2015 at Centre for Chemical Sciences and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad.
TWO-DAY work shop on "Stepping into advanced flow reactors" organized during 25-26th February 2015 at Centre for Chemical Sciences and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad.
One day National Poster Symposium-III on "Advances in Organic & Medicinal Chemistry (AOMC)" jointly organized by the Centre for Chemical Sciences & Technology (CCST), Institute of Science & Technology (IST), JNTUH, Hyderabad and Royal Society of Chemistry (London)-Deccan section India during 24th December-2014 at Centre for Chemical Sciences & Technology (CCST), Institute of Science & Technology (IST), JNTUH, Hyderabad.
International Conference on "New Dimensions in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" (NDCT-2014) organized during 23-6-2014 to 25-6-2014 at Centre for Chemical Sciences and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad